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buddhist studies中文是什么意思

用"buddhist studies"造句"buddhist studies"怎么读"buddhist studies" in a sentence


  • 佛学


  • 2 . glorious sun professorship in buddhist studies
    2 .旭日基金教授席佛学研究
  • Discussion on the buddhist studies model in the depression treatment
  • Buddhist studies www virtual library
  • He stays in the monastery for 4 , 10 , 16 , 20 , 25 years for buddhist studies
  • Chen will no longer take part in business from now on as she concentrates on buddhist studies at the monastery , according to staff from her company
  • Chen will no longer take part in business from now on as she concentrates on buddhist studies at the monastery , according to staff from her company
  • Fields of specialization include chinese religions , taoist studies , buddhist studies , biblical studies , christian studies christianity in china , and religion , education and society
  • “ the seed sown today with much effort will tomorrow bring forth a man of great ability . ” this is the mission of dong chan institute of buddhist studies ( malaysia ) as it enacts venerable master hsing yun ' s ideals of promoting buddhism and cultivating buddhist talents
  • There are 47 religious colleges in china , such as the chinese institute of buddhist studies , the institute of islamic theology , the jinling union theological seminary of the chinese protestant churches in nanjing , the chinese catholic seminary and the chinese institute of daoist studies
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"buddhist studies"造句  


Buddhist studies, also known as Buddhology (although the latter term is sometimes reserved for the study of Buddhas rather than that of Buddhism as a whole), is the academic study of Buddhism. The term applies especially to the modern academic field, which is a subset of religious studies, and is distinct from Buddhist philosophy or Buddhist theology.
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